Monday 23 April 2018

Atheist Delusional: A short review

Atheist Delusional is a warm series of interviews of Atheists in which Ray Comfort exposes how Atheists aren't quite so "open-minded" as they say, and find it difficult to admit they might be wrong.

Comfort does well in positing their true motivations behind why they resist acknowledging "a higher power" creator when he leads them to acknowledging that they are morally deficient and resist the idea:  They realise to do so, would mean that they would be accountable to someone else for what they did.

I don't follow the Atheism v Christianity debate in great detail but I have heard of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins before.

It was therefore an eye-opener for me to watch the clip of Dawkins try to argue that life would come from nothing, realise that that was logically unsustainable, and then try to ridiculously argue that nothing was something after all.

He seemed genuinely surprised when the audience laughed at him.

The video is informative for both non-Christians and Christians alike, who are unfamiliar with the arguments within the debate and want a high-level summary of the issues that count.  The rest are red-herrings.

Living Waters, the organisation that produced the video have made it freely available in its entirety.  Here it is:

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