Saturday 25 February 2012

Logos 4 on a XP Tablet PC

I've started using Logos 4  Bible Study software on a Tablet PC. Its an impressive way to interact with the program. The stylus works essentially in two modes.

Outside of the Tablet Input Panel, the stylus works as a mouse. Tapping on something is the same as a left mouse click. Dragging the stylus across text highlight it. Holding the stylus down for a moment  until a graphic is activated is the equivalent of a night mouse click. , lifting the mouse.

The Tablet Input Panel
Inside the Tablet Input Panel, the stylus becomes a writing instrument. Somehow the Tablet is able to sense that the stylus is near the surface of the screen. The nib retracts a little when pressed. When the two events coincide the Tablet registers a contact.The nib effect together with just the right amount of friction between the stylus and the screen gives a feeling of writing on high quality paper resting on a leather top desk. Nice.

The HWR accuracy is impressively good. I was able to achieve around 99.5% accuracy and around 20 words per minute with no pauses to make corrections.

If you have a touch tablet Logos 4 allows all the screen elements to be expanded. Just tap Tools ->Program Settings-> Accessibility -> Program Scaling. I've got it set to 140%. If the fonts are too large then you can adjust that separately without changing anything else.

This afternoon I did our home bible study on Galatians 4.3-4. I found using the Command input line easier to open specific resources."Open Dunn" and Dunn's commentary on Galatians started right up. OK, so what does Stern have to say? "Open NTJC" Hmmm.... His thinking heavily depends on his interpretation of "upo nomou".  Lets start doing a word study on this... How have others looked at this phrase? Hmmm....

The whole experience seems so much more natural.

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