Saturday 18 January 2020

Stopping the touch keyboard from popping up in Windows 10

While editing MS Word documents on my Lenovo X1 Tablet with the keyboard attached, everytime I touched the screen to change where the cursor was, the Windows touch keyboard would appear and obscure the document.


To stop the Windows touch keyboard from appearing, follow these steps:
  1. Hit Win-R
  2. Open control panel:  Type in "control" and hit "Enter"
  3. Tap Administrative Services
  4. Tap Services
  5. Scroll down to "Touch keyboard and handwriting panel service" and double tap it
  6. Set startup type to "Disable"
  7. Tap apply and OK.
  8. Reboot, and you're done.

Thursday 16 January 2020

Using Logos to make your own Personal Books

Logos is a terrific tool for studying, well, almost any text.  

But it's makers have focused on using it as a study platform for Christian studies.  The software itself is the tool but its utility is unleashed when coupled together with a library of books and multimedia resources.  

Amongst all the bible software developers, Logos has the largest library of resources.  Nearly all the major book publishers have works adapted for the Logos platform.

By tagging content, the content can be efficiently indexed and then searched.

The library of resources that can be purchased is enormous.  Unfortunately, not all resources are accessible for several reasons:
  • The publisher or the author may not be inclined to give their consent.
  • The publisher or the author may have already given exclusive rights for electronic distribution to someone else
  • Logos may ask too much of a margin on the selling price of the resource.
  • The publisher or author may be biased toward hard copies.  
Logos allows its users to make their own personal books which can be imported into Logos for personal use.  

It's easy to do.

Just make a Microsoft Word .docx file of the resource and then import it.

All standard format bible references will automatically be turned into hyperlinks to your library's bibles.

There are special tags you can insert into your text if you wish to search content by topic.

One or two hooks to keep in mind:

  1. If you want your document to show up in passage guide searches, then build it as a bible commentary, not a monograph or just a commentary.
  2. Bible commentaries are specially tagged .docx documents.  Learn the syntax here:  Once you have inserted the [[xxx]] tag before each verse that has a comment in your document, then if you open your bible in one panel, and your commentary alongside, and if both have been designated in the same set, then they synch with each other as you scroll through either document!  There are many types of documents that can be produced as personal books, such as, encyclopedias, dictionaries, lectionaries, calendar devotionals and more.  I have a lectionary that has all the Jewish annual reading (parasha) calendar.
There are a lot of resources in .epub, .mobi, .html and .pdf format on the web.  This is a cheap way to build out your library, but as always, be mindful of copyright law.  

Thursday 9 January 2020

An inheritance with Israel -- Berkowitz

Michelangelo's Ezekiel

Lest there be any doubt about how the new relationship between Gentile believers and the covenanted children of Israel, let us turn to Ezekiel 47. Here the prophet looks far ahead of his own time, and even of our present age. He prophecies concerning the coming Messianic age, when Yeshua will be seated on the throne of David in Jerusalem. This will also be the time, according to Ezekiel, when the final land inheritance is divided among the people of Israel.

However, we see in Ezekiel 47:21-23 that there will be others desiring to live among the people of Israel. These are Gentile believers. The Lord at that time will instruct Israel with the following word regarding the distribution of the inheritance:
    "You are to distribute this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. You are to allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the aliens who have settled among you and who have children. You are to consider them as native-born Israelites; along with you are to be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. In whatever tribe the alien settles, there you are to give them his inheritance," declares the sovereign Lord.
Do you see what God is teaching here? He's instructing the Israelites regarding the relationship with those who have come to live among them. They are so grafted in that they are to be considered native-born Israelites, with full rights of inheritance. One thing this implies for our study is that if non-Jewish believers may be entitled to a parcel of land among the people of Israel and the Messianic Kingdom, surely they can be permitted to enjoy the blessings of the Torah among the people of Israel right now!

Source:  Berkowitz, A. and D. (2000). An inheritance with Israel. Torah Rediscovered. FFOZ, Inc.