Thursday 4 March 2021

Auto highlighting corresponding words in another bible


With the Logos Bible Software program, sometimes I'd like to select a word in ESV and then see the corresponding word in the Hebrew/Greek Bible highlighted too. 

This can be done by configuring the visual filters feature.

Corresponding words works within a bible, so you won't see anything unless the word repeats on the visible page. If this is what you want, 

  1. Open Logos
  2. Open two bibles
  3. Lay them side by side, if not already so
  4. Click the three dots arranged as a pyramid above each bible and check the Corresponding Words and Lemma boxes.

Corresponding selection works between bibles and ESV works with AFAT, BHW 4.18, BHS/WIVU (almost any Hebrew bible, as well as Greek bibles).  If this is what you want,

  1. Open Logos
  2. Open two bibles
  3. Lay them side by side, if not already so
  4. Click the three dots arranged as a pyramid above each bible and check the Corresponding Selection box.

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