Sunday 16 May 2010

Studying Galatians: The Peshitta

After 5 years we have completed the entire Torah Club course. Since most proof texts used to argue against Torah Observance come from the books of Galatians and Romans, we have decided to start a study on Galatians.

We were all impressed with the work of Tim Hegg in the "Letter Writer" so it was quite convenient to see that he offered a bible study that covered Galatians. While reviewing some materials I came across a commentary on the book written by Avi Ben Mordecai. I've never heard of the fellow but I was intrigued that he based it completely on an English translation of a document called the Peshitta by Andrew Gabriel Roth.

The Peshitta NT is an Aramaic version of the NT. The Eastern Orthodox churches attest that they received it from the original Apostles. An enduring controversy ("Peshitta Primacy") over whether it is the closest text to the original New Testament exists. Those who support Peshitta or Aramaic Primacy are in a small minority. You could read all about it here:

Roth believes that the Aramaic manuscripts do not use pagan terms to refer to Jesus as "Lord" and overcomes many issues that have influenced Christianity's views on Torah observance arising from the Greek manuscripts of Galatians:

Is he et al right? It's an intriguing thought but it bears further investigation from those who are well versed in Aramaic in the rest of the academic community before much weight can be put on his findings.

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