Thursday 1 January 2009

Worshipping on a Saturday

Some friends and I have been thinking of starting a Saturday worship service.
It is a little frustrating that Christian congregations that fellowship on a Saturday in Israel are not unusual and do not draw particular attention to themselves, whilst taking such an action here in the West would most likely draw criticism and the accusation of being legalistic.
Catholics chose Sunday as their main day of worship because it was considered to be the "Lord's Day" the day He was considered to be resurrected. To worship on the Sabbath i.e. Saturday was considered to be returning to the enslavement of the Law a process also embodied in the term to be "Judaised."
For worshipping on the Sabbath was considered a commandment only directed towards Jews (see Exodus 31.16-17). This argument is also supplemented by all the usual arguments against legalism (such as Romans 6:14; Colossians 2.16; Galatians 4:1-26).
In earlier blogs, we have argued that Christians misinterpreted Paul's views because these texts are inconsistent with Paul's practices; that he may have been trying to develop the idea of legalism as opposed to an appropriate observance of Torah; and that all Christians are a part of Israel through being "grafted in" and through Adoption.

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